Dates From Pakistan

Aseel Dates Products

Aseel Dates from Pakistan: A Sweet Delight with Unique Flavor and Health Benefits

Pakistan is known for its diverse and bountiful agricultural produce, and among its treasured fruits are the Aseel Dates. These dates hold a special place in the hearts and palates of many, not only in Pakistan but also in the international market. Aseel Dates, with their remarkable sweetness, unique flavor, and numerous health benefits, have gained popularity worldwide.

What are Aseel Dates?
Aseel Dates are a superior variety of dates grown primarily in Pakistan. They are known for their exceptional sweetness, softness, and longer shelf life compared to other types of dates. These dates are a product of the date palm tree (Phoenix dactylifera) and are usually oblong in shape with a luscious caramel-brown color.

Distinctive Characteristics
One of the distinguishing features of Aseel Dates is their delightful sweetness, which makes them a favorite choice among date enthusiasts. The rich, caramel-like flavor sets them apart from other date varieties, leaving a lasting impression on taste buds.

Aseel Dates are slightly smaller in size than some other popular date types, such as Medjool Dates, but their compactness makes them ideal for various culinary applications.

Health Benefits
Beyond their delectable taste, Aseel Dates are packed with essential nutrients and offer numerous health benefits:

  1. Natural Sweetener: Aseel Dates can be used as a natural alternative to refined sugar, providing a healthier option to sweeten dishes and desserts.
  2. Rich in Nutrients: These dates are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. They contain essential nutrients like potassium, magnesium, iron, and vitamin B6, which contribute to overall health and well-being.
  3. Energy Booster: Aseel Dates are a great energy booster, making them an excellent choice for a quick snack during busy days or before workouts.
  4. Digestive Health: The dietary fiber in Aseel Dates supports digestive health and helps prevent constipation.
  5. Natural Antioxidants: Dates, including Aseel Dates, are rich in natural antioxidants that can help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body.

Culinary Uses
Aseel Dates’ versatility extends beyond being a healthy snack. They are commonly used in various culinary preparations:

  1. Baking and Cooking: Aseel Dates add natural sweetness and moisture to baked goods like cakes, muffins, and cookies. They are also used in savory dishes, adding a unique twist to meat or vegetable-based recipes.
  2. Date Paste and Date Sugar: Aseel Dates are processed to create date paste and date sugar, which are used as sweeteners in a wide range of recipes.
  3. Smoothies and Shakes: Aseel Dates are a popular addition to smoothies and shakes, enhancing both taste and nutritional value.

Global Appeal
Aseel Dates have not only conquered the domestic market but have also made their mark internationally. With their unparalleled taste and exceptional quality, they are sought after by consumers and industries worldwide. As a result, Aseel Dates have carved out a unique market position in the global dates industry.

Sustainable Cultivation
The cultivation of Aseel Dates plays a vital role in supporting rural economies and promoting sustainable agriculture in Pakistan. Nearly about 200 different varieties of dates are grown in various areas of Pakistan, contributing significantly to the livelihoods of local farmers and communities.

Aseel Dates from Pakistan have rightfully earned their place as a cherished fruit globally. With their heavenly sweetness, unique flavor, and a plethora of health benefits, these dates continue to delight people’s taste buds while offering a natural and wholesome alternative to refined sugars. As we embrace a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle, Aseel Dates stand tall as a symbol of Pakistan’s rich agricultural heritage and its contribution to the world of delightful and nutritious fruits.

Export Potential of Aseel Dates

Export Potential of Aseel Dates

Pakistan is one of the largest producers and suppliers of dates in the world, with an annual production of more than 600,000 tons of a wide range of varieties, according to reliable estimates. The main areas for dates cultivation are the Khairpur district of Sindh Province and the Panjgur District of Baluchistan Province. Aseel is the main commercial variety, which is highly demanded in export-led markets.

Aseel Dates are a variety of dates that are primarily grown in Pakistan. These dates are known for their unique taste, texture, and health benefits. They are also one of the most sought-after dates in the international market, thanks to their popularity, cost effectiveness, longer shelf life and quality.

Aseel Dates are known for their unique texture and flavor. They are soft and chewy, with a slight crunchiness that comes from their natural sugars. They are also high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them a healthy snack option.

Aseel Dates are medium-sized, oval-shaped, and have a dark brown color. They have a slight shine on their surface, which is an indication of their quality.

Aseel Dates have a sweet taste that is slightly nutty and caramel-like. They are often consumed as a snack, either on their own or with other foods like nuts, cheese, or bread. They can also be used as an ingredient in sweet and savory dishes, such as desserts, salads, and stews.

Aseel Dates are known for their health benefits. They are high in fiber, which aids digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels. They also contain vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which are essential for bone health and other bodily functions.

Aseel Dates are one of the most popular varieties of dates in the international market. They are in high demand due to their unique taste, texture, and health benefits. They are also widely available in the market in various forms, including dry, organic, vegan, pitted, diced, paste, powder, and syrup.

Aseel Dates are processed to make various products such as dry dates, organic dates, pitted dates, diced dates, date paste, date powder, and date syrup. These products are used in the food industry to make desserts, confectionaries, energy bars, smoothies, vegan fruit bar, vegan food products, and other products.

Pakistan is one of the major producers and exporters of Aseel Dates, and there is a need to establish modern processing plants with state-of-the-art technology to process and package dates for export. Aseel Dates are primarily exported to the Middle East, Europe, and the United States.

There are several key traders and major suppliers of Aseel Dates in Pakistan. These include companies like GNS Pakistan, Elegant Impex, and Union Dates Factory. These companies specialize in exporting Aseel Dates and have a strong presence in the international market.

Aseel Dates are in high demand in several countries around the world. Some of the leading buyers of Aseel Dates country-wise include Australia, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bangladesh, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.

The export potential for Aseel Dates is significant. The demand for dates is growing globally due to their health benefits and unique taste. Pakistan has a strong position in the international market for dates, and with the right policies and initiatives, the country can continue to expand its exports of Aseel Dates.

The Government of Pakistan, through its Trade Development Authority, has taken several initiatives to promote the export of Aseel Dates. However, more vital initiatives are needed, such as providing financial assistance to growers and exporters, establishing training programs to improve quality, and developing infrastructure to facilitate the export of dates.

Aseel Dates: A Versatile and Nutritious Ingredient

Aseel Dates Fruit Raw Natural Consumer Goods Product

Aseel dates are a premium fruit and agricultural product that is enjoyed around the world for its unique taste and nutritional value. As a raw consumer good, Aseel dates are highly sought after for their soft texture, sweet taste, and thick natural jelly-like substance. They are considered a nutritious snack and a natural energy booster, making them a popular choice for athletes and health enthusiasts. Aseel dates are also used in a variety of recipes, including baked goods, smoothies, and energy bars. As an agricultural product, Aseel dates are grown in the Sindh Province of Pakistan, making them a popular choice for consumers interested in sustainable and ethical farming practices. Overall, Aseel dates are a valuable fruit and agricultural product that has a wide range of uses and benefits.

Uses of Aseel Dates in the Food Industry

Aseel dates are a highly versatile ingredient that is widely used in the food and beverage industry. They are considered the best ingredient for the manufacturers of food and beverage products, including fruit paste, spreads, energy bites, and energy bars. Aseel dates are used by cereal producers in the form of pitted, diced, and chopped dates. They are also used as a natural sweetener in various baked goods, including bread, cakes, and muffins. Aseel dates can be added to smoothies and shakes to enhance their flavor and nutritional value. They are also used in the production of energy bars and snacks due to their high fiber and sugar content.

Appearance and Taste of Aseel Dates

Aseel dates are soft-skinned and dark red or dark brown in color. They have a sweet taste and a thick texture when chewed that feels like natural jelly. This unique texture makes them a popular ingredient for a wide range of food and beverage products. Aseel dates are also available in pitted form, making them easy to use in various recipes.

Nutritional Value of Aseel Dates

Aseel dates are a rich source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They contain high levels of potassium, magnesium, and copper, which are essential for maintaining good health. Aseel dates are also a good source of carbohydrates, making them an ideal energy source for athletes and active individuals. They are also known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making them a healthy addition to any diet.

Comparison with Other Varieties of Dates

Aseel dates can be compared with many types of dates grown in different parts of the world. While Medjool dates are known for their large size, they are not higher in calories and carbohydrates than Aseel dates, which are relatively small or medium-sized date variety. Aseel dates are also less expensive than other varieties like ajwa, ambar, mazafati, deglet nour, or Medjool.

Pitted Aseel Dates

We supply pitted Aseel dates, which are seedless and can be used directly in food products without the need for removing seeds. Our company is one of the largest suppliers of Aseel dates, and our buyers come from every part of the world.

In conclusion, Aseel dates are a versatile and nutritious ingredient that can be used in a wide range of food and beverage products. They are a healthy and affordable choice for consumers looking for an energy-boosting snack or a natural sweetener for their baked goods. Aseel dates are also a sustainable and ethical choice for consumers interested in supporting environmentally friendly farming practices.

Date Cake Recipe

Date Cake

A delicious Date Cake that you can make at home. This recipe will yield a moist and flavorful cake that’s perfect for dessert or an afternoon snack.


1 cup pitted dates, chopped
1 cup boiling water
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
1 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt

Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C). Grease a 9-inch (23 cm) square baking dish with butter or cooking spray.

In a medium bowl, combine the chopped dates, boiling water, and baking soda. Let the mixture sit for 10-15 minutes until the dates are soft and mushy.

In a large mixing bowl, cream together the softened butter and granulated sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in the vanilla extract.

In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour and salt. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture, mixing until just combined.

Fold in the date mixture until evenly distributed throughout the batter.

Pour the batter into the prepared baking dish and smooth out the top with a spatula.

Bake the cake for 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

Let the cake cool in the baking dish for 10 minutes before removing it to a wire rack to cool completely.

Serve the cake warm or at room temperature, garnished with powdered sugar or whipped cream, if desired.

Enjoy your delicious and moist date cake!

Aseel Dates from Pakistan

Aseel Dates Pakistan

Aseel Dates are a popular variety of dates that are grown in Pakistan and exported all over the world. Known for their superior quality and taste, Aseel Dates have gained a significant position in the international market.

The Aseel variety of Dates is considered one of the most commercial varieties in Pakistan. It is mainly grown in Khairpur District of Sindh Province. The Aseel Date Palms stand tall with a beautiful top crown having green ferns around. The fruit gets mature in July-August for harvest.

Aseel Dates are processed to manufacture various products like pitted dates, diced dates, chopped dates, date paste, date powder, date syrup, and others. These products are hygienically produced in the factory under certified food safety programs.

The pitted dates are without the seed and loaded with natural sweetness, making them an instant snack and powerful source of energy in the human body. The diced dates are chopped or diced in small pieces, making them perfect for blended drinks, baked goods, salads, and more. The date paste is used as a healthier substitute for sugar in cereals, puddings, baked goods, energy bars, ice cream, and confections. The date powder is a natural sweetener for food made with dry dates and is rich in nutritious contents, fiber, antioxidants, iron, and other essential vitamins.

Aseel Dates are also widely used in religious rituals. In Islam, dates are mentioned in the Quran as one of the fruits of Paradise and are traditionally eaten to break the fast during Ramadan. Muslims around the world break their fast with dates and water, following the example of the Prophet Muhammad.

Aseel Dates are exported to many countries around the world, including the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Africa, Asia, and EU countries. The company offers best quality Aseel Dates in all shapes including pitted, diced, chopped, sliced, decapped, paste, powder, etc. at an unbeatable lowest price.

In conclusion, Aseel Dates from Pakistan are a superior quality product that is not only delicious but also rich in nutrients. With their widespread use in various food products and religious rituals, Aseel Dates are a significant part of Pakistani culture and tradition.

Types of Dates in Pakistan

Types of Dates in Pakistan

Pakistan is one of the world’s largest producers of dates, with over 250 varieties or types of dates grown in the country. The country’s favorable climate, fertile soil, and suitable growing conditions make it an ideal place for date cultivation. Dates palms are grown in all four provinces of Pakistan, with Sindh and Baluchistan being the leading producers of multiple varieties of dates.

Dates Growing Areas of Pakistan

The Dates are grown in the following areas of Pakistan:

  • • Baluchistan: Turbat & Panjgoor
  • • Sindh: Khairpur & Sukkur
  • • Punjab: Muzaffargarh, D.G Khan & Jhang
  • • KPK: D.I. Khan

Dates in Pakistan

Let’s take a closer look at the various types of dates grown in Pakistan. The main types of dates grown in different regions of Pakistan are as follows:

  • Aseel dates
  • Fasli dates
  • Bj dates
  • Khahraba (Carba) dates
  • Rabbi dates
  • Halawi dates
  • Zahidi dates
  • Dhakki dates

Aseel Dates

Aseel Dates: Aseel dates are superior quality dates produced mainly in Khairpur and Sukkur, Sindh. It is important to note that they are radish and dark brown in color, have more flesh, and a longer shelf life. Furthermore, these dates are known for their sweet taste and are enriched with energy value. Aseel has always been awarded as an excellent variety among all the Pakistani Dates in the international dates market.

Fasli Dates

Fasli Dates: Fasli dates come from Sukkur and Khairpur, Sindh. In fact, these dates are mainly categorized as industrial-grade dates due to their size, shape, and other characteristics. They have a shorter shelf life than other varieties and are used primarily in industrial processes.

Begum Jangi (BJ) Dates

Begum Jangi (BJ) Dates: Begum Jangi dates are the premier quality dates variety of Baluchistan province. However, these dates are identical in look and shape to Aseel but are smaller in size with a low level of moisture content. They are produced mainly in the Panjgoor and Turbat districts of Baluchistan.

Khahraba (Carba) Dates

Khahraba (Carba) Dates: Khahraba dates are smaller in size but sweeter and have a lower moisture level. In fact, these dates come from the Panjgoor and Mushkay areas of Baluchistan province from September 22 to October 31.

Rabbi or Baluchistan Rabbi (BR) Dates

Rabbi or Baluchistan Rabbi (BR) Dates: Rabbi or Baluchistan Rabbi (BR) dates are also grown in the Mashkail area of Baluchistan province.

Halawi Dates

Halawi Dates: Halawi dates are produced in Muzaffargarh, D.G Khan & Jhang, the districts of Punjab province. Furthermore, this type of date is sweet, sticky, semi-soft, and moist. Indeed, it is higher on the sweetness scale than many other dates, with a caramel color and undertone.

Zahidi Dates

Zahidi Dates: Zahidi dates are also from the date-growing areas of Baluchistan and Punjab, being semi-dry and less intense than some varieties, but still on the sweet side.

Dhakki Dates

Dhakki Dates: Dhakki dates of Dera Ismail Khan, KPK province, have a specific market due to their unique taste and size.

Dates Processing Industry in Pakistan

Pakistan’s date industry produces a wide range of date products, including pitted dates, diced/chopped dates, decapped dates, date paste, macerated dates, block-pressed dates, dates energy bars, and stuffed dates with dried fruit and nuts like almond, pistachio, walnuts, and peanuts. Moreover, these products are produced at processing plants throughout Pakistan and are exported to various countries worldwide.

Pakistan’s date industry is a significant contributor to the country’s economy. As a matter of fact, the country’s favorable climate and growing conditions make it an ideal place for date cultivation. In fact, over 250 varieties of dates are grown in the country. From Aseel dates to Dhakki dates, Pakistan’s diverse range of dates offers a variety of flavors and textures for people to enjoy. Additionally, the country’s date industry produces a wide range of date products for export, making it a major player in the global dates market.

Dates Fruit Market in Pakistan During Ramadan

Aseel Dates Khajoor
Aseel Dates for Ramadan Kareem
Aseel Dates Pakistan

The holy month of Ramadan in Pakistan is a period of heightened demand for fruits and vegetables. As per a domestic Fruits and Vegetables Market trader, Ramadan typically results in a surge in demand for these products, and this year is no exception. Potatoes are in high demand as they are an essential ingredient in traditional dishes like curry, pakora, and samosas. Similarly, onions are highly sought after, but the supply has not been good this season. While garlic consumption also increases during Ramadan, it is not as much as onions and potatoes.

The tradition of breaking the fast with dates (khajoor) is integral to religious practices in Ramadan, and Muslims worldwide prefer to eat dates in iftari before anything else. Besides their religious significance, dates are among the most popular fruits, packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals required for normal growth, development, and overall well-being.

As demand for various types of dates increases during Ramadan, their prices also escalate based on quality and supply. In the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, the types of dates mostly sold include Irani dry dates, Arabian dates, Pakistani Aseel Dates, Karblain, Irani Rabai, Mazafati, Shareefa, and others. People usually purchase Iraqi Basra and Pakistani Aseel due to their taste and affordable price.

Out of these varieties, Begum Jangi of Balochistan, Aseel of Sindh, and Dhakki of Dera Ismail Khan are highly popular due to their exotic taste. According to health experts, dates are rich in natural fibers, several vitamins, minerals, natural products containing oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper, and magnesium, which are beneficial to health.

Highly nutritious and filling, dates are a staple on every table during Ramadan. They are versatile and can be used to make a variety of scrumptious desserts, appetizers, and sauces. During Ramadan, when fasting lasts from sunrise to sunset, the body can develop mild health problems such as headaches, low blood sugar, and lethargy. Dieticians recommend carefully monitoring eating habits once fasting for the day has ended to avoid such issues. Dates are an excellent source of fiber, sugar, magnesium, potassium, and carbohydrates, which will aid the body in maintaining health. The carbohydrates found in dates also make them a slower-digesting food, much better than fried or fatty foods that digest quickly and leave one feeling hungry.

According to a date-seller in Islamabad, dates are the most sought-after item during Ramadan, more than any other fruit, and fruit-sellers usually offer dates exclusively on their stalls and carts. People use dates in numerous dishes and during Ramadan feasts. Breaking the fast with dates helps to avoid overeating, and when the body absorbs their nutrition, the feeling of hunger subsides.

Thus, the demand for dates in the Pakistani market surges during Ramadan due to their religious significance and high nutritional value. People prefer to break their fasts with dates as they help avoid overeating and are versatile enough to be used in various recipes during the month. The prices of dates also increase during Ramadan due to high demand, and the most popular varieties in Pakistan include Begum Jangi of Balochistan, Aseel of Khairpur Sindh, and Dhakki of Dera Ismail Khan.

Khajoor Dates for Iftartime

Aseel Dates Khajoor

Ramadan Karim is the holy month of the Muslim world, during which fasting is observed. Dates (Khajoor) are primarily consumed at the time of Iftar (the breaking of the fast) every day. Our Aseel Dates are rich in multiple natural vitamins, which enable the human body to regain energy instantly after a whole day of fasting. Premium quality Aseel Dates are packed hygienically in fancy boxes of different sizes (ranging from 500 grams to 1kg), according to the specifications provided by corporate buyers.

Aseel Dates for Ramadan Kareem

Although the shortage of Aseel Dates in Pakistan is being keenly felt prior to the arrival of Ramadan Kareem, we have managed to ensure the availability of some high-quality stock for our esteemed customers.

Aseel Dates for Ramadan Kareem

Dates for Ramadan Karim: Ramadan Karim is the holy month of Muslim World, wherein fasting is performed. The dates (Khajoor) are mainly consumed at the Iftar time (ending of fasting) everyday. Our Aseel Dates are rich with multiple natural vitamins which enable the human body to regain energy instantly after a whole day fasting duration. Aseel Dates of premium quality are packed hygienically in fancy boxes of different sizes (500 grams to 1kg) according to the specifications given by corporate buyers.